Instructions for Full Papers
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  Scientific Contribution

Authors wishing to submit a contribution should read the following instructions carefully.

The abstract, single spaced and in English, should include:

  • Full title
  • Full name and address of one author for all correspondence
  • For each author and co-authors, full name, affiliation, address, phone/fax/eMail
  • Purpose of the work
  • Approach
  • Scientific innovation and relevance
  • Results (also tables, graphs and diagrams)
  • Conclusions

Please consider an adequate layout (Font : Times or Times Roman 12 pt, title in CAPITAL letters, single spaced, single column, all borders 25 mm), while the abstracts will be included in a "Book of Abstracts of Rio 02".

Under no circumstances should the abstract exceed two pages (size A 4, 210 x 300 mm).

Please submit only a layouted PDF file of your contribution.

To generate PDF (portable document)-files Adobe offers a commercial tool called Distiller (also available online for 3 trials for free). It is also possible to generate a Post Script printer file (install a Post Script printer in your system) and to convert this into PDF by a free program called "Ghost Script - Ghost View". Tip: To assure optimal transferability of your graphics, use the EPS (Encapsulated Post Script) format to include them.

Authors can upload their contribution via the form on the contribution upload page.

01) Climate Change
02) Effects of Existing Measures to Overcome Global Warming
03) Use of Energy
04) Energy Saving
05) Hydropower
06) Wind Power
07) Solar Thermal Energy
08) Photovoltaics
09) Other Renewable Energy Sources
10) Other Measures to Reduce the CO2 Content of the Atmosphere
11) Architecture and Urbanism
12) Transport
13) Social Consequences
14) Sustainable Development
15) Policy Implementation (Regulation, Control)
16) Financing
17) Education
  Official Conference Language
  Deadlines for Conference Contributions

Closing date for extended abstracts: 1st of September 2001. Abstracts can be sent by mail, or preferably, uploaded to our internet server.

Notification of acceptance: 1st of October 2001.

Latest acceptance of full papers (6 pages, to be printed in the Book of Proceedings): 10th of January 2002, at the Rio 02 Event.


Prof. Dr. Stefan Krauter, Brazil
Prof. Dr. Rolf Hanitsch, Germany
Prof. Dr. Ronnie Belmans, Belgium
Prof. Dr. Peter Landberg, UK
Prof. Dr. Luiz Pinguelli Rosa, Brazil
Prof. Dr. Emilio La Rovere, Brazil
Prof. Dr. Mauricio T. Tolmasquim, Brazil
Prof. Dr. Ricardo Ruether, Brazil
Prof. Dr. Suzana Gueiros Teixeira, Brazil
Prof. Dr. Jorge Luiz de Nascimento, Brazil
Cláudia do Valle Costa, Brazil
Eva Weber, Germany
Fabian Ochs, Germany
Jutta Kister, Germany
Norma Blandon, Brazil/Nicaragua
Marcio Cardoso, Brazil

  Scientific Committee

Prof. Dr. Peter Landsberg, UK
Prof. Dr. Rolf Hanitsch, Germany
Prof. Dr. Ronnie Belmans, Belgium
Prof. Dr. Luiz Pinguelli Rosa, Brazil
Prof. Dr. Emilio La Rouvere, Brazil
Prof. Dr. Mauricio Tolmasquim, Brazil
Prof. Dr. Ricardo Ruether, Brazil
Prof. Dr. Stefan Krauter, Brazil
Prof. Dr. Friedrich Grimme, Germany
Michael Laar, Germany