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Policy Implementation | Energy Efficiency and Energy Savings | Wind Power
Photovoltaics and Solar Thermal Systems | Biomass Energy | Sustainable Architecture
Financing, Carbon Emission Trading CDM | Education | Workshop SWERA





  Policy Implementation (Regulation & Control)

Climate Protection as a Sphere of Action towards a Sustainable Economy

Eric Martinot
Renewable Energy Markets: Global Overview and Lessons from Developing Countries

Suani Teixeira Coelho, Silvia M. G. González Velázquez,
Patricia Helena Dos Santos Matai, Claudia Rodrigues Faria Brighenti
The Brazilian Government’s Alternative Energy Program PROINFA

  Energy Efficiency & Energy Savings

R. Hanitsch, Ch. Saniter
Efficiency improvements of electrical drives –
contribute to improvement of environmental conditions

Ivan Petroff
First Results from New Zealand’s National Energy Efficiency and Conservation Strategy

Pablo García Arabéhéty
On Efficiency

Emilio Lèbre La Rovere, Martha Macedo de Lima Barata,
Norma do Nascimento Baptista, Sandra de Castro Villar
Energy Efficiency as Tool for a better Enviromental Performance of small sized Enterprises

Norma do Nascimento Baptista, Martha Macedo de Lima Barata,
Emilio Lèbre La Rovere, Sandra de Castro Villar
The Participation of small and medium sized Industries in the Carbon Market –
Opportunities and Barriers.The Case of Red Ceramic Manufacturing Industry in Brazil

Giorgio Beccali, Marco Beccali, Maurizio Cellura and Marina Mistretta
Environmental Effects of the Sicilian Energy Policy

João A. Manaus Corrêa, José Mauro Marquez
Modelling and Operational Analysis of Hybrid Electric Buses versus Diesel Buses –
A Case Study of São Paulo City, Brazil

A. Lietzmann, D. Fröhler, K.-D. Lietzmann
Practical Experiences and Dimensioning in the Operation of Decentralized Energy Supply Stations

Adson Bezerra Moreira, Adriano Holanda Pereira, Celso Rogério Schmidlin Júnior, Leila Cristina Jovina da Silveira, Paulo Cesar Marques de Carvalho, Tomaz Nunes Cavalcante Neto
Energy Efficiency in the Rectory of the Federal University of CEARÁ

Simone Ferrari
Improving Energy Savings in Residential Hotels: “Comfort on Demand” Control Strategies with Efficient Retrofitting Measuress

Leila Cristina Jovina da Silveira, Adson Bezerra Moreira, Adriano Holanda Pereira, Celso
Rogério Schmidlin Júnior, Paulo Cesar Marques de Carvalho, Tomaz Nunes Cavalcante Neto
Energy Analysis of an Academical Campus: The Case of the Federal University of CEARÁ

P. V. Jaya Prakasha Reddy and S. Srinivasa Murthy
Studies on an Ejector-Absorption Refrigeration Cycle with New Working Fluid Pairs

Rajka Budin, Igor Sutlovic, Alka Mihelic-Bogdanic, Veljko Filipan
Energy Efficient Bricks Production

Kunam Anji Reddy, A.Ramesh
Modifications on a Small Two Wheeler Two Stroke SI Engine for Reducing Fuel Consumption and Exhaust Emissions

  Wind Power

Stefan C.W. Krauter, Johannes M. Kissel
Wind Energy in Brazil

Andrea P. B. Moraes, Rita Maria B. Marques, Paulo C. M. Carvalho
The PROINFA Contribution for CO2 Emission Reduction

P. C. M. Carvalho, L. G. Coelho Junior
Analysis of Desalination Plant Types Connected to Wind Generator and the Possibility of Use in the Brazilian Northeast

Luiz Francisco Coelho Coutinho, Prof. Dr. Paulo C. M. Carvalho, Paulo Roberto Melo Meireles
Digital Anemometer and a Wind Direction Sensor Based on Microcontroller

Christoph Saniter, Detlef Schulz, Rolf Hanitsch, Alan Wood
Causes of Harmonics and Interharmonics in Wind Energy Converters

  Photovoltaics and Solar Thermal Energy Systems

Ricardo Rüther, Paulo Knob, Wilson Reguse, Antônia Sônia A.C. Diniz, Marcelo M. Dacoregio, Isabel T. Salamoni& Carolina da Silva Jardim
The Potential of Grid-Connected Photovoltaics in Brazil

Mauro José de Aguiar Bichara Junior
Default Module Solar Destillator

D.M. Yodgorova, A.V. Karimov, N.L. Dmitruk, R.V. Konakova
About Features of Zinc Diffusion Process in Microrelief Basal Areas of Solar Elements with Texturized Surface

Marco Antonio Galdino, Hamilton Moss de Souza
The Solar House of Cresesb: Seven Years of Success

José Welhigton Morais da Silva, Tomaz Arakaki,
Zaqueu Ernesto da Silva, Marco Antonio Wanderley Cavalcanti
A Multiple Effect Parallel Feeding Desalination Plant using Solar Energy Heating

Osiris Ashton Vital
The Market of Heating Water with Solar Energy for Popular Domestic Home Consumption in Sergipe

Abdoulaye Ba
Implementation of a Local initiated Rural electrification Project in Northern Senegal

Paulo Cesar Marques de Carvalho, Ricardo Silva Thé Pontes, Demercil S. Oliveira Jr,
Douglas Bressan Riffel, Ricardo Gildo V. de Oliveira
Mathematical Model of a Photovoltaic Powered Reverse Osmosis Plant without Batteries

A.V. Karimov, D.M. Yodgorova
Formation of Microrelief Structures by Epitaxial Technology

Anthony O. Pereira, Tom Thompson, Avi Bar
Existing Avenues to Encourage Building Integrated Photovoltaic Installations in New York City

Paulo C. M. Carvalho,Ciro L. Souza, João M. A. Vieira,
Adunias S. Teixeira, Francisco J. F. Canafístula
Photovoltaic Powered Data Acquisition Systems in Semi-Arid Areas

Cecilia Makishi, Marc-Andree Wolf, Niels Warburg, Maiya Shibasaki, Peter Eyerer
Thin-Film Solar Cells – Sustainability Decision Support in Parallel to Recycling Process Development

J. Bione, N. Fraidenraich, O. C. Vilela
Technical and Economical Analysis of a Grape Irrigated Culture in the Northeast of Brazil Driven by A V-trough Photovoltaic Water Pumping System

Maria Eugênia Vieira da Silva, Lana Ludmila Pinheiro Santana,
Régio Davis Barros Alves, Klemens Schwarzer
Comperative Study of two Solar Cookers: Parabolic Reflector and Flate Plate Collector Indirect Heating

F.T. Sheyin
Solar Cooking in Nigeria

N.Gopalakrishnan, B.V.S.S.S.Prasad, S.Srinivasa Murthy
Natural Convection in Stratified Hot Water Storage Tanks

  Biomass Energy

R.G. Pereira, G.A.Romeiro, R N.Damasceno, L.A..Junior,
P.M.A.Senra, M..CD.E.Pereira
Characterization and Application of Oil and Coal Obtained Through Low Temperature Conversion Process Applied to Biomass and Residues

Dip. Ing. José N. Carranca
Green Power from Diesel Engines Burning Biological Oils and Recycled Fat

L.-P. Barthel, M.-A. Wolf, C. Makishi, P. Eyerer
Social Aspects for Quantifying Advantages of Renewable Energy Carriers

Gilnei C. Ocácia, Alexandre G. Silva
Energetic Balance Analysis on small Distilleries with Run /
Alcohol Conjugated in the South Brazil Region

Suani Teixeira Coelho, Orlando Cristiano da Silva, Sílvia Maria Stortini González Velázquez,
Maria Beatriz Camargo de Almeida Monteiro, Carlos Eduardo Grassi Silotto
The Use of Palm Oil for Electricity Generation in the Amazon Region

Suani Teixeira Coelho, Sílvia Maria Stortini González Velázquez,
Osvaldo Stella Martins, David Freire da Costa
Sewer Biogas Conversion into Electricity

Suani Teixeira Coelho, Sílvia Stortini González Velázquez, Sandra M. Apolinario,
Beatriz Lora, Ademar Hakuo Ushima
Electricity Generation for Isolated Communities in Amazon Region using small scale Biomass Gasification Systems - GASEIFAMAZ Project

Gilberto Caldeira Bandeira de Melo, Artur Torres Filho
Environmental and Energy Performance Evaluation of an Alternative Biomass Fuel Obtained from Wood Residues Generated in a Metropolitan Area

S.M.S.G. Velázquez , S.T. Coelho, D.F. Costa, V. Pecora, A. Varkuluya, F.C. Abreu
The Use of Biogas Sewage Produced for Energy Generation

  Sustainable Architecture & Urbanism and Transportation

Jörg Spangenberg
Simulation of Urban Microclimates in Tropical Metropolis’ Maracanã/ Rio De Janeiro -
A Case Study

Sibylle C. Centgraf, Marco Schmidt
Water management to save energy, a decentralized approach
to an integrated sustainable urban development

Aniruddhe Mukerjee
GHG Emission Reduction due to Construction of the Link road under the Bhoj Wetland Project

Silke A. Krawietz
The Influence of Climate on Architecture Synthesis of Ecology, Technology and Architecture for the Current Millennium

Cecilia Makishi, Michael Faltenbacher, Matthias Fischer,
Marc-Andree Wolf, Peter Eyerer, Marc Binder
LCA of Fuel Cell Technology for Urban Transportation System in Europe and Australia

A. Ortiz, P. Roth
Geothermal Possibilities in the 21st Century in Chile

Marc-Andree Wolf, Matthias Fischer, Michael Faltenbacher,
Niels Warburg, Oliver Schuller, Peter Eyerer
Quantifying the Life Cycle Sustainability of Renewable Energy Carriers

Paola Caputo
Energy Self Sufficiency with Renewable Sources a Biomass System with Advanced Control Strategies in the Rehabilitation Project of an old Rural Building Complex

  Financing, Carbon Emission Trading CDM

Johannes M. Kissel, Stefan C.W. Krauter
Adaptation of Support Schemes for Renewable Energies to Inflation in Countries with an unstable Macroeconomic Situation – Case study: Wind Power in Brazil

Carl W. Seitz
Generation of Win-Win-Relations in the International Energy Market

Ewerson Duarte da Costa
Protocolo de Kyoto: um Freio para o Desenvolvimento Descontrolado. uma Chance para o Desenvolvimento Sustentado

Marcelo Theoto Rocha, Pedro Carvalho de Mello
Global Warming and the Carbon Market: an Application of the Cert Model

Suani Teixeira Coelho, José Roberto Moreira, Osvaldo Stella Martins,
Sílvia M. Stortine Gonzáles Velázquez, Magno Botelho Castelo Branco,
Gallery Forests Recovery and Carbon Credits

  Education, Capacity Building

Stefan Krauter
IURE - International University for Renewable Energy

David Wortmann
Open University for Renewable Energy (OPURE)

Ole von Uexküll
Renewable Energy for water supply and treatment – experiences, costs and competitiveness

Lucia Muriel, Osmel Cabrera
South to South Knowledge Network for the Use of Alternative Energy Sources in Rural Regions in Nicaragua and Haiti in Cooperation with Cuba

Walmeran José Trindade Jr.
Education in Alternative Sources of Energy: Experience at Cefet-Pb in Brazil

Nandini Gandhi, Daksha Vaja, Hema Patel, Sangita Desai, Hitesh Mehta, Vivek Trivedi
Empowered Children for Power Conservation: an Initiative to Establish Teams of Bal Urja Rakshak Dals (Children as Energy Guards) in the State of Gujarat, India

Erico Spinadel
Creating the Infrastructure for Capacity Building in the use of Wind Energy

Flavio Cotrim Pinheiro
Support to Local and Regional Air Quality Public Policy - Results of the First - Phase of the Integrated Environmental Strategies (IES) project in São Paulo, Brazil

Richard Corkish, Stuart R. Wenham, AlistairB. Sproul, Jeffrey Cotter,
Christiana B. Honsberg, Martin A. Green, Armin G. Aberle and Gavin Conibeer
Education and Research at the centre for Photovoltaic Engineering, University of New South Wales

Wilson Okaka
The Effectiveness of Energy Policies and Technologies for a Sustainable Future; A Green Formal and Non-Formal Education Curriculum at Kyambogo University, Uganda (African Union)

Norma Rodriguez Blandon, F. Elizabeth Silva
Educational sustainable Architecture Tools for Children

  Workshop on Solar and Wind Energy Resource Assessment

Alia Ghandour, David Renne
Swera-Brazil Geospatial Toolkit

Enio Bueno Pereira
Swera-Brazil Objective and Status

Alexandre de Lemos Pereira
SWERA Brasil – Análise de Dados de Vento e Validação de Atlas Eólico
SWERA Brazil – Wind Data Analysis and Wind Atlas Validation

Samuel Luna Abreu, Sergio Colle, Fernando Ramos Martins
Solar Resource Assessment in Brazil

Sylvio L. Mantelli Neto, Enio B. Pereira
SONDA - National Network of Environmental Data for Renewable Energy Resource Assessment

Tom Hamlin
Solar and Wind Energy Resource Assessment in 13 Countries: emerging experiences

Antônio Leite de Sá, Sérgio Roberto Ferreira C. de Melo, Vanessa Gonçalves Guedes
Brazilian Wind Atlas